Specialized solutions to challenging risk exposures
With an extensive array of coverage types and occupancy classes the Aspen U.S Property team are driven by their responsive underwriting approach. As well as their expertise in adapting and crafting specialized solutions to challenging risk exposures.
Our experienced, knowledgeable and innovative approach to underwriting means the Aspen U.S Property team will always strive to answer your tough E&S insurance questions.
Aspen U.S Property operates from 4 offices – Atlanta, Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles and offer regional, local and nationwide expertise for all U.S based locations. Our offering is a dedicated wholesale only operation, working closely with our broker partners. Aspen write’s primary and excess on nearly every class of business, including CAT capacity in critical wind and earthquake zones as well as flood. At Aspen, we pride ourselves on our abilities to offer creative solutions in a difficult marketplace.
Aspen U.S Property offers reliable capacity, strong underwriting knowledge and a network of underwriters who are collaborative and inventive in their approach to insurance. From habitational to retail to recycling and woodworking, we offer meaningful capacity.